Journey to July Comp

Journey to my first ever figure competition - 14 weeks out and lots and lots of work to be done.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Working out how to load pictures -

This is my hubby and I

Monday, April 17, 2006


Because my daughters car was stolen last week I had to take her to work at 4:30am this morning so I decided I would go down to the office as well. So have just completed 5 hours at the office. I love that time of the morning and I got heaps of work done with no-one else there to annoy me:)

My food and exercise has been 100% over the break so I am very happy about that. I wish everyone would hurry up and eat all their easter eggs though - I am sick of looking at them every time I open the fridge door.

My hubby and I have done heaps of gardening over the weekend and had a couple of BBQ's and sat around the fire outside last night - drinking alcohol,cooking potatoes in their jackets in the fire and toasting marshmellows - and no I didn't have any - I just watched and ate my own food and drank sparkling mineral water - I drink it in a wine glass so it fees like I am having a drink :)

My trainer doesn't want me doing any running so I am going to have to re-evaluate what, where and how I am going to do my cardio from now on. It was just so convenient for me to do it at home - so will have to wait and see what he has to say.

Can't wait to go to Phatcamp with Sue, Margie, Ali, Jaime etc - should be a great weekend.

Suzie has booked our accommodation and tans and hair and makeup etc for the July comp so that is very exciting.

Well back out to the garden.

Live with Passion
Kimmy Australia

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Out to dinner for Robyn's Birthday

Ok had a great day yesterday – everything 100% on track. Went out to dinner and had grilled barramundi (is that ok – different sort of fish) and steamed broccoli and cauliflour and beans. Got to be happy with that. I watched everyone else have wine, garlic bread, dessert and creamy sauces etc all over their food – Had eight hours sleep last night but felt like I was hungover this morning :) But feeling really good. Going out to do another day of gardening. Have fun today and I will keep sending in my little accountable emails just so I can stay accountable to myself – thanks for being there for me.

Live with Passion

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Not a good start

Think I must have been a horrible person in another life – there is always something happening in my life to make it interesting and challenging:)

My daughter went to work last night – she starts at 10pm and she went out on her break at 12:30am and some little scum bag or bags had stolen her car. She finishes work at 2:00am so one of her friends dropped her off.

When she got home she woke us to let us know because she tried to report it but because the car is in my name I had t do it. Well anyway it was a night of not much sleep – up for an hour sorting that out with the police. My hubby just happened to start work this morning at 4:00am so we had another talk and then my alarm went off at 5:00 (I must have turned it off but I don’t remember and then at 6:00am the police phoned to say they had found the car. Yes you guessed it smashed up – they have run it into a pole – they are towing it back to the holding bay for finger prints.

So that means my daughter is our of a car – it is not insured comprehensively – she just finished getting it fixed from an accident. It is worth about $2,000 and she has just finished paying back about $8,000. She won’t be a happy chappy - she is still in bed asleep so she does not know as yet. So oh this will mean for the next few weeks she will be wanting me to take her to work at 10:00 o’clock and pick her up at 2:00am o’clock. Just amazes me how life throws these little things at me. This also means I will be dropping off my granddaughter (do that most mornings) but will also now have to pick her up each day from daycare as well. There goes my new plan for my exercise.

Here comes plan “D” for my gym workouts and not letting my body get affected by the interrupted sleep.

Amazing my rings are as tight as anything on my fingers this morning and I feel like shit from the on and off sleep from last night.

Anyway sorry to bore you with all of that – off to get my food and gym clothes out of the dryer (well the clothes anyway) – I will just keep smiling and keep on keeping on – Had a great leg workout yesterday – I hate legs – I think I ate too close to training and I felt like I was going to be sick (well there is a lesson in that J ),

Have a great day – will annoy you with some more blurb tomorrow.

Have a great day